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Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Unaudited)
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Current Period Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Members' Equity (Unaudited)
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 1 - Nature of Business
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 3 - Acquisitions and Dispositions
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for by the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
Note 7 - Long-term Debt
Note 8 - Segment Reporting
Note 9 - Related Party Transactions
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information
Note 11 - Contingencies
Note 12 - Leases
Note 13 - Asset Impairments
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for by the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities (Tables)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Tables)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (Tables)
Note 7 - Long-term Debt (Tables)
Note 8 - Segment Reporting (Tables)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information (Tables)
Note 12 - Leases (Tables)
Notes Details
Note 1 - Nature of Business (Details Textual)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash (Details)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Accumulated Depreciation, Accumulated Amortization (Details)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Distribution (Details)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Disaggregation of Revenue (Details)
Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Contract Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 3 - Acquisitions and Dispositions (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for by the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for By the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities - Consolidated Entities (Details)
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for by the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities - Unconsolidated Entities (Details)
Note 4 - Investments Accounted for by the Equity Method and Variable Interest Entities - Summarized Financial Information (Details)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Details Textual)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments - Estimated Carrying Amounts and Fair Values (Details)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments - Fair Value Hierarchy for Long-term Debt (Details)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments - Assets and Liabilities Measured on a Recurring Basis (Details)
Note 5 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments - Significant Unobservable Inputs (Details)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (Details Textual)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Net Notional Volume Buy of Open Derivative Transactions, by Type (Details)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (Details)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Offsetting of Derivatives by the Counterparty Master Agreement Level (Details)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Note 6 - Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Derivative Instruments Gains and Losses (Details)
Note 7 - Long-term Debt (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Long-term Debt - Long-term Debt (Details)
Note 8 - Segment Reporting - Segment Reporting Information, by Segment (Details)
Note 9 - Related Party Transactions (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information - Income Statement (Details)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information - Comprehensive Income Statement (Details)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information - Balance Sheet (Details)
Note 10 - Condensed Consolidating Financial Information - Cash Flow Statement (Details)
Note 12 - Leases (Details Textual)
Note 12 - Leases - Lease Cost (Details)
Note 12 - Leases - Maturities of Operating Lease Liabilities (Details)
Note 12 - Leases - Future Minimum Lease Commitments Under Operating Leases (Details)
Note 12 - Leases - Revenue Related to Leases (Details)
Note 12 - Leases - Minimum Future Rent Payments Under Operating Leases (Details)
Note 12 - Leases - Property, Plant and Equipment Related to Operating Leases (Details)
Note 13 - Asset Impairments (Details Textual)
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